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December 1986 Friends of Plumas Wilderness submit the Conservationist Alternative to the Plumas National Forest land management planning process.
November 1992 Bill Coates (Plumas County Supervisor), Michael Jackson (Friends of Plumas Wilderness & Environmental Attorney) and Tom Nelson (Forester, Sierra Pacific Industries) meet for first time. First meeting with the Plumas National Forest.
July 7, 1993 Community Stability Proposal finalized.
July 8, 1993 Community Stability Proposal presented to representatives of the three affected National Forests.
July 10, 1993 Town Hall meeting in Quincy to present the Community Stability Proposal to the public.
July 1993 Community outreach to Susanville, Sierraville, Chester and Greenville.
July 22, 1993 Meeting with Jared Verner and other Pacific Southwest Forest & Range Experiment Station scientist to discuss QLG proposal and potential for Adaptive Management study per the California Spotted Owl Interim Guidelines.
February 22 - 24, 1994 43 QLG members visit Washington D. C. to promote the Community Stability Proposal. Meeting with Congressional delegates, Forest Service Chief Jack Ward Thomas and Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Jim Lyons.
May 21, 1994 Quincy Library Group member, Michael Jackson, presents QLG briefing materials to President Clinton at a campaign fundraising dinner.
June 7, 1994 Under Secretary of Agriculture, Jim Lyons written response regarding Sustained Yield Unit element of Community Stability Proposal.
June 17, 1994 House Interior Appropriations Committee Language proclaims awareness of the QLG proposal, acknowledges importance of local groups finding consensus and supports the effort to implement a program to include fire hazard reduction, stream and riparian restoration, resource and economic monitoring.
July 12, 1994 Forest Service Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) guidelines are released by Chief Jack Ward Thomas.
July 13,1994 Meeting with Under Secretary of Agriculture, Jim Lyons at Nervino airport focusing on strategy for implementation of the Community Stability Proposal.
July 18, 1994 Sierraville Ranger District of the Tahoe National Forest announces process to develop Environmental Impact Statement for the Eastside Forest Restoration Project, a 5 year program to review 85,000 acres and treat approximately 30,000 acres that are in the poorest condition.
July 18, 1994 Letter from Forest Service Chief Jack Ward Thomas providing detailed estimates of costs and outputs related to the QLG Community Stability Proposal.
August 1994 Cottonwood Fire (46,800 acres) on the Sierraville Ranger District, Tahoe National Forest burns much of the area included in the Eastside Forest Restoration Project announced in the previsous month.
August 18, 1994 Follow-up letter from Senator Feinstein to Chief Thomas relating to his July 18, 1994 letter.
August 29, 1994 New Regional Forester Lynn Sprague meets with the QLG in Sacramento.
September 1994 USFS Western Forest Health Initiative announced. Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project initiated.
September 1994 New Regional Forester, Lynn Sprague arrives
November 16, 1994 Regional Forester Sprague announces $1 million of 1994 “carryover” funds allocated for implementation of the Community Stability Proposal.
November 29, 1994 Letter to Deputy Secretary Rominger from Congressman Fazio expressing requesting funding and staff commitment for the Community Stability Proposal.
December 12, 1994 QLG sends letter to Three Forest Supervisors suggesting criteria for selecting projects for the $1 million allocation.
December 30, 1994 Association of Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics (AFSEEE) distributes DRAFT report "The Lassen National Forest in Transition: An AFSEE Monitoring Report" which among many recommendations suggests the the LNF "carefully examine how it might implement each of the elements" of the QLG proposal which "appears to provide a balanced approach that addresses community stability, employment, environmental and forest health concerns..
January 5, 1995 FS draft of potential projects shared.
January 26, 1995 QLG comments to Federal Wildfire Policy Review.
March 27, 1997 Letter to 3 Forest Supervisors regarding FS prospectus for $1 million projects.
March 28 - April 4, 1995 California Spotted Owl Draft Environmental Impact Statement Community Briefings (Greenville, Quincy, Oroville, Portola)
April 12, 1995
April 27, 1995 QLG materials sent to Dr. Don Erman in response to Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project "open call for SNEP scenarios.
May 15, 1995 Meeting with California Spotted Owl Technical Team
June 8, 1995 QLG comments on the California Spotted Owl Draft Environmental Impact Statement distributed to 75 people and a summary sent to over 200 interested individuals.
July 1995 Techical Fuels Report presenting concept and terminology for a strategic pattern of fire protection.
October 12, 1995 QLG distributes "Dear Responder" letter reporting the findings of a review all California Spotted Owl EIS comments to those who commented.
October 16, 1995 Letter from Friends of the River urging the QLG to support withdrawal of the Barkley Fire Salvage Sale.
October 23, 1995 Letter from QLG to Supervisor Atencio regarding Barkley Fire Salvage Sale.
November 1995 Case study entitled Regionalism and the Social Imperatie in Ecosystem Management, by Paul Steinberg for the New England Bioregional Roundtable.
March 31, 1996 Letter from Congressman Herger regarding issues of concern related to legislation.
April 10, 1996 QLG letter to Congressman Fazio requesting support for Department of Energy funding for Biofuels.
April 1996 First draft of QLG legislation.
April 26, 1996 2nd draft of QLG legislation.
May 8, 1996 QLG letter to Undersecretary of Natural Resources, USDA Lyons regarding $1 Million project.
June 13, 199 3rd version of QLG legislation.
June 26, 1996 Statement of Work for the Northeastern California Ethanol Manufacturing Feasibility Study.
July 31, 1996 QLG comments on the Wheel, Bailey Creek and Mineral projects on the Lassen NF.
September 4, 1996 Memo from Undersecretary Lyons to FS Chief Thomas to review the Revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
September 4, 1996 4th version of legislation.
September 19, 1996 Sierra County Board of Supervisors passes resolution to support legislation.
September 20, 1996 Comments upon review of legislation by Natural Resources Defense Council and other letters.
September 24, 1996 USFS edits to legislation.
October 11, 1996 Presentation by Plumas National Forest on the Land Management Plan revision process.
Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project released.
Comments on California Spotted Owl Draft Environmental Impact Statement
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