The Quincy Library Group
Quincy, CA 95971

Mr. H. Wayne Thornton, Supervisor
Plumas National Forest
PO Box 11500
Quincy, CA 95971

August 31, 1993

Dear Wayne:

      On behalf of the Quincy Library Group, this letter is to formally request that the Plumas National Forest withdraw the Last Chance and Becknel timber sales, as currently prepared, from the sale roster. As you are aware, there has been much controversy over these sales. The issue has been further clouded by the Library Group's struggle to discover amongst ourselves where these sales may or may not fit within the Community Stability Proposal.

      After much discussion, the Quincy Library Group has reached agreement that these sales, as proposed, should be dropped from the timber sale program. It is our feeling that the sales in question cannot equitably be modified to meet our proposal's guidelines.

      We are painfully aware of the amount of financial and human resources that have been expended on these sales. our concern for that investment leads us to suggest that an effort be made to make up the volume lost on these sales through the salvage program. The benefits of doing this would be two-fold-- economic concerns would be addressed by finding volume through salvage, and forest health could be increased by the additional focus on the salvage effort.

      We realize that the loss of these sales is considered a setback in your timber program. It is our intent to keep future timber sales from meeting the same fate as Last Chance and Becknel. Our group has set up a committee to look at sales currently in the pipeline and provide any necessary input to your staff that will enable future timber sales to meet our proposal guidelines.

      At the last Library meeting you attended, you emphasized the need for our group to "get it together" on this issue. While the end result of our "getting it together" may not meet your ideal of a reasonable solution to; this issue, we hope you will continue to support our efforts and this whole process as we strive to ultimately make your job of sound forest management more successful in the future.

      We sincerely appreciate your patience and continued cooperation through this process. If we can answer any future questions on this or any other issue, please feel free to contact us. As of the August 30 Library Group meeting, Linda Blum and Ed Murphy have been designated as key contacts for our group.



Susan Baremore
in conjunction with
Linda Blum and Ed Murphy
for the Quincy Library Group

cc: Linda Blum
   Ed Murphy

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